
I didn’t mean for a year to go by.

I’m not sorry the time has passed, because the last twelve months have been oh-so-full of interesting and not-so-interesting things.  Life has been busy.

I’m another year older, and by my assessment, slightly wiser.  I’m still working on paying off debt, getting one day closer at a time.  I still see my little friend Nene (now daily), as I take her to preschool.  On our quick trip from her grandmother’s house to Pre-k, we recite the alphabet, and numbers, and directions, and the like. I’m in the early stages of buying a house.  Mostly saving that last little bit that I need to make all the regulatory requirements for a down payment.  I had to move this summer because the crazy landlady is, well crazy.  The little row where my condo is, is now full of new people who do not understand the concept of minimal, and marked parking.  There may have been a few incidents where I educated the neighbors. They may now think I’m the resident crazy lady.  Surprisingly, I’m less bothered by that than you would think.

2013 was hard.  I got more jaded than I already thought I was.  Hurt from places and people that I did not expect.  Friends and relationships changed. Ebb and flow. 
Writing this is not as fluid as the constant internal dialogue would have led me to believe.  I am rusty writing down what I’ve been reciting in my head.  Hopefully this will get easier.

Insert adage about riding a bike.


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